#dio vs jotaro
p123apples · 18 days
heyyy i just completed 44 episodes of stardust of crusaders, i will be watching dio vs jotaro tomorrow, wish me luckkk
i cant wait to see this fight!! i have been anticipating this thing for weeks now,
i am definitely angry over cold ice kicking iggy and other shocking events that happened in ep 44, still cant believe there are only 4 episodes till stardust crusaders ends and p4-diamond is unbreakable starts
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evergreenperi · 1 year
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"Oh? You're approaching me?"
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drawingquest21 · 2 months
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spicypepperjack · 1 year
Araki's editor: Oh man, it's gonna be tough for Jotaro beat a vampire who can stop time
Araki: Actually, it was super easy! Barely an inconvenience!
Araki's editor: Oh, really?
Araki: Yeah, Jotaro gains the ability to stop time.
Araki's editor: Wait, what? How did he get that ability?
Araki: Well, The World is the same type of stand as Star Platinum
Araki's editor: But, doesn't he mean they're both short-ranged stands with high precision? That doesn't necessarily mean that Star Platinum would also have a time stop ability. And you've never really hinted at this ability before, whatsoever.
Araki: Well, I needed some way for Jotaro to beat Dio, so I'm gonna need you to get ALL the way off my back about how he got time stop.
Araki's editor: Okay, let me get off of that thing!
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smbhax · 2 years
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Dio Brando launches a super move vs Jotaro in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future on Dreamcast!
Game play session: https://youtu.be/9tmYbTQCd_s
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cuntstable · 2 years
nobody cares over here but the prettiest jojo man poll on twitters come down to this and its literally a joke. how did kars lose. KARS???!!!
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orphetoon · 5 months
Ayo! gotta say, LOVE your Haruno Higashikata AU! got two questions:
1: what role does Gio play in part 4?
2: If nobody's done so already, I must put forth the obligatory question of "what if G. Giovanni & H. Higashikata met?" whether or not D4C rules apply is at your own discretion. I suppose their respective GERs could just revert their own actions (in this case, approaching each other) should they accidentally annihilate each other.
giorno in a lot of the slice of life parts is a lot of:
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at least in stories not directly related to him lol
there is an added element of ✨joestar family drama✨ which is the main focus of this au, but during the kira parts gio is investigating but usually w josuke and okuyasu as opposed to jotaro
if this au gio met regular gio i don’t think they would like. hate each other or anything. without rambling abt the changes the broad strokes of the character are still the same (being saved by a mafioso vs being adopted, wanting to fix the drug problem vs wanting to fix the mess dio/the arrows have caused)
they’d be chill if not a little uncomfortable with the differences. this au josuke would be very worried abt regular gio tho
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yeenesm · 1 year
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Jotaro vs Dio but make it pink 💅
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jojopolls · 1 year
Hottest Male JoJo Character, Round Two
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nikathesiren · 1 year
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A jojoreference? In 𝒎𝒚 jojoreference? It's more likely than you think 🫢
I instantly thought of the Jotaro vs Dio scene when I got to that scene in chapter 4 of Jojolands, and I know I wasn't the only one, lol. I've never drawn anything so fast ✍(ಠ益ಠ )
More of my art - Kofi
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torrentialstardust · 4 months
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I jsut think. .. that they're cut e toge ther...
This piece was started after the second stream in the NezumiVA readthrough of Episode 4, and finished this Wednesday morning. The idea was to draw as beautiful a piece as possible of the two women, Ange and Mammon, kissing; then a doodle of the nonmagical series of events where Ange's just playing tongue hockey with the air. However, we all know that magic is real, so she's still got those impossible lipstick marks.
This one was tricky, since I'm used to darker pieces rather than this daytime lighting setup. I still think I did well! I made sure the pose was sufficiently magical with Mammon floating as if swimming in the air, with a windswept look to everything. I like to think it's a real tender and gentle kiss ya know? Also made their expressions were subtly different, Mammon being more confident and Ange portraying more desperation, leaning and sinking into it. And of course I had to do the foot pop: who do you think I am?
The alt colours were made with help from our very own Arahabaki Gaming, who looked at the alts from Golden Fantasia and told me what colour their shoes were. I zhuzzhed it up a little further by swapping their hair colours.
So so soooo excited for this Friday! Even if you're looking at this not knowing wtf's going on I recommend tuning in to the stream, where Nezumi will be wrapping up Episode 4. It's like when you watch Jotaro Vs DIO before anything else JoJo and then go back and watch it all through from part 1 onwards. Obvi if you don't want spoilers I understand though.
Much love to everyone in YouTube Chat and Marcie herself after I'm sure we've all bawled our eyes out! <3
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drawingquest21 · 3 months
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🧚‍♀️ Anon
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Joseph, Jotaro and Johnathan are Werebears or it’s just Johnathan and he considers you his ‘Little Bear’ because of how small and defenseless you are (Or it was Joseph who coined the term)
Or maybe it’s just Johnathan vs Dio and they’re Werebears?
Or it can be Johnathan vs Dio, Joseph vs Kars and Jotaro vs DIO (All Separate)
Darling accidentally enters their territory and finds JoJo’s home (To escape from the storm), seeing that it’s messy she cleans the place up, however she feels extreme exhaustion after all that she endured and falls asleep on the huge couch
JoJo is very shocked seeing a Human in his home! However he wouldn’t toss her out as that would be very ungentlemanly of him to do that, especially since it’s going to storm very hard for a few days
I’m totally not thinking that Werebear!Johnathan would cuddle Darling like she’s his personal Teddy Bear after getting attached to her
Platonic Johnathan and Erina as Werebears with Reader being a Human Child who got lost after running away from her dysfunctional family? (They’ve been wanting a child for a very long time) Maybe they call Darling ‘Little Bear’ because she’s a Cub compared to them (Maybe she’s around 6-10 years old?)
I know a little bit about bears, like how the males leave the mother bears after they mate, however because this is Johnathan I feel like he would want to be part of the child rearing process (He would be very overprotective)
Don’t mind me, I’m totally not using this as an excuse for the idea of the JoJo’s and Villains to have Bear Ears on their heads *Lies* 😅
My mind was sorta scrambled and pretty much everywhere when I thought about this
Ooh interesting.
I think Jonathan, Joseph and Jotaro would be good (have them as siblings in this au)
I was originally thinking sloth bears but they aren't so much hunters, so I'm going with American black bears instead.
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Of course seeing darling sleeping in their house causes a back an forward between the siblings.
Jotaro being the stern yet cautious suggests they have darling leave to protect their meanwhile Jonathan and Joseph believe that darling should stay because of the stormy weather. Jonathan being the gentleman his while Joseph has alterier motives.
Of course Joseph is straight to flirting before the other two are quick to pull him away. Jonathan thanks darling for cleaning the kitchen and living room (he feels guilty as he had plans of cleaning) and offers to let darling stay till the weather clears up, even offering his bed. Not just because he's a gentleman but also to avoid her from finding out about their other forms.
Of course Jonathan and Joseph are immediately fawning over darling. If darling is intimidated by Jotaro they will assure her that It's nothing personal, Jotaro is just the abrasive type and he'll warm up with time.
Jonathan offers up warm meals, even dinner which is something they don't partake in their human forms. When darling is about to go to sleep he tells darling to not be concerned by any sounds as bears tend to roam around the surrounding property at night.
The rain doesn't let up for days, even when it does calm momentarily the ground is far too muddy to trek safely.
At this point Jotaro begins to start hovering around darling, which the other two find endearing. In honesty they don't seem to mind the fact that they're all developing feeling for the same person except that Jonathan and Jotaro not to happy with Joseph's forwardness, which Joseph away tells them that if they want something they have to grab it by the reigns and not expect to get her attention if they're just going to sit around and hope she reciprocates.
Unfortunately Jonathan does agree to certain extent with what Joesph is saying. If darling wasn't already flustered by one man trying to swoon her then she definitely is now with Jonathan's flattery.
However one early morning darling wakes up as they return home (luckily in their human forms. Unluckily that they're all probably naked as to not wanting their clothes to be ripped during their transformation) covered in mud and Jonathan as well was Joesph covered in deep cuts. Darling has questions but puts them to the side to quick help Jotaro with preparing hot water to clean them and dress their wounds.
"So what happened?" Darling would ask while bring them fresh clothing.
"Theives, luckily we were able to chase them away before they stole anything" Jotaro would lie but darling is still sceptical. With Jonathan and Joseph in bed recovering darling offers to help around the house.
Darling decides to stay up and watchs them from the stairway. She manages to see them transform and accidentally catches their attention. They can't talk in this form so darling is under the impression that they're attacking her and she trips and hurts herself. Leaving her at the mercy of the monsters in front of her.
They probably have her held down for awhile to calm her before she passes out. She knows their secret now and with monster hunters keen on killing their kind they can't let darling leave, not that they had plans to earlier.
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henrysglock · 6 months
[Lumax voice] Turn Around, Look At What You See! In Their Face...
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(If you couldn't already tell: I have finally lost all my marbles.)
I'm sure this has occurred to other people by now, but if El's memories leading up to the 4.07 monologue are ripped directly from Brenner's (<- slayful Nat post, required viewing), and she runs in to see One killing Two...then doesn't it stand to reason that that is what Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room in 1979?
Now before anyone hops in to correct me: There's definitely a version of things where Brenner finds El alone in the rainbow room after the massacre. That's not in question. We all know that happened at some point.
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(Regardless of the manner of death...no broken bones or gouged eyes...okay!)
However, as I'm sure we're all aware...these guys are different guys.
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(This detail has been beaten into the ground but always bears repeating)
So, what is in question is what close-up Brenner saw when he ran into the Rainbow Room.
Those duplicate memories appear to belong to close-up Brenner:
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i.e. not the Brenner who runs in and sees El at the start of 4.08. (This isn't to say that that Brenner doesn't have those memories or similar ones, but he's not the Brenner whose memories are being featured. Begone, thot.)
So, arguably, if El has close-up Brenner's memories...then she should be running in and seeing what he saw, no?
So what did he see? Someone just slightly shorter than him, who walked close enough to warrant a tight shot.
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That POV (as has been discussed ad nauseam by many) is far too tall to be any version of El:
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But it is about the right height for someone a few inches shorter than Brenner...something like:
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So, tl;dr: I want to play a clip for you.
I love choreography and camera work. That's art right there.
However, that video doesn't include the subtitling that accompanies the visuals that link El finding One to Brenner finding El:
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Now, it's difficult to compare anything after this point (though not impossible, can't keep a south Wisconsin boy down. I will be using them for comparisons later)...because of course that's when weird, random blood starts appearing:
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Hence, the clock is visibly frozen after that point:
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This smacks, to me, of the same kind of shit that happened with 004 when the kids were bullying El—Scenes that never actually happened in the real past being spliced into a tape that cuts off and then picks back up like no time had passed/nothing had been spliced in. It makes more sense if you read the post I linked, since the video in that post makes my point clearly.
The anime nerd in me is tempted to liken this whole deal ^ to JJBA/DIO's time-stopping stand "The World" in...that's right...Stardust Crusaders, wherein DIO pause time for everyone but himself, which I'm certain others have done as well.
Tbqh...I'm still here:
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Specifically a reference to The World/DIO vs Star Platium/Jotaro, both of which are time-stopping stands...(Much to think about irt Jotaro/Star Platinum developing time-stopping powers later on in terms of El, sure, but also in terms of "Everything was hard for [One]...He walked in here, and it was like something had changed. He told me he had figured it out.").
[Distant screaming as I'm forcefully prevented from going on a "Stardust Spider-Stardust Crusaders-Dio Brando-Joestar Family-Dio's Bone-Green Baby-Green, Green Grass of Home" tangent in this post...and don't get me started on DIO's regen healing/vampirism from the ancient stone mask...don't get me started on King Crimson and Golden Experience Requiem either...]
Not to mention the DIO reference with One linking this scene to (you guessed it) Edward Munson:
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Edward Creel proven once again, but this time it's via goddamn JJBA and Brenner fuckery. (And yes, yes, I know about DIO the band. This ain't about her. Things can have multiple meanings. It was a Choice to associate Henward with DIO and Eddie with DIO. I rest my case.)
As I said earlier, close-up Brenner is shot at a distance baby El could never have achieved. She passes out on the far side of the room, entirely too far away to have been anywhere near close enough for a close-up of Brenner's face, height aside.
However, ignoring the blood fuckery and disappearing gate cracks:
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Some-One else has enough energy left to walk towards the doors. All the way over, in fact. So while those close-up shots are 100% out of range for post-gate baby El, they're very much in-range for 3:46 PM One.
Tl;dr: It's entirely possible, if not likely (based on the choreography and camera-work in these scenes) that close-up/angry Brenner was addressing One rather than baby El.
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
Gentle giant swag
Blueberry semifinals battle 2
JONATHAN JOESTAR (JoJo’s bizarre adventure) vs BIG THE CAT (sonic the hedgehog)
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Propaganda under the cut
Jojo propaganda
Admin add: He is the tallest Joestar along with Jotaro and Joseph. But of those 3, he’s the gentleman. He was so gentlemanly he made a man gay just for him. He would never hurt a fly and on purpose . he would never kill Dio if he active wasn’t a bitch. But guess who killed his dog and did other stuff .Yeah, DIO. Dio ruined his whole life but even when Jonathan was at the brink of death. He didn’t go “fuck you dio i hate you,” it was actually something really sad and I ended up crying
he’s the ultimate gentleman, he’s the epitome of gentle giant actually
Hes a gentle giant with a golden heart and a gentlemen. He started as a bit of an ass but with a good heart, he grew up to a full blown gentleman, think he would hug me if i asked him to
Big propaganda
His name is Big and he is big. He is also very nice and mostly just fishes with froggy and shows up places randomly :] I am thoroughly convinced Big has never done wrong in his life.
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 months
If Zod does come to earth and all that in S3, I wanna see them go through the roof with the anime fighting bullshit LMAO it's been pretty contained so far, and it's been good too ofc! But the main scene where Clark doesn't have to hold back was his initial scuffle with Kara cause everything before then was pretty contained, not under control but he didn't really go like ALL out with his strength 100%
I want to see big anime fight spectacles if he goes against Zod tho, gimme that Tekken type Jin vs Kazuya or Jotaro vs DIO kinda deal. Go loose with it and have the earth shatter beneath their feet with each solid punch and the sound barrier being broken when one of them does a wind-up sucker punch, go all out by having them both go all out!
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